The making of “Forever Young.” I had canvas block first day (‘Scary White Space’), then managed to slap some paint on at the next session. I had the idea of the “Australia Face” digger many decades ago – it was originally a doodle I did on a piece of scrap paper, a cartoon. I thought I would make it a cartoon character one day. The song “Forever Young” was in my head after seeing an ABC TV (Australia) drama called “ANZAC Nurses” – the song was on the promo. So it all came together in time for the annual Bundaberg Arts Festival. Yes, that is the same competition that banned one of my nude photos last year, but I have a short memory. I entered the work for me, not for them.

Canvas Block – in my studio/bathroom. At least it is close to the loo. I painted that comment on the clear plastic btw – don’t want to make extra work for myself!

An ANZAC and a donkey. I had the legend of “Simpson’s Donkey’ in my head. But the donkey bolted later on. He didn’t seem to “fit” right. Got to go with one’s gut.