
L to R: Brag Traders – Gaye Tait, Dennis Mealor, Vinka, Terri Gwyneth Lewis, Jacky Poulter. In front: Moncrieff Theatre co-ordinator Bronte Morris.
The Brag Trade had its “Colour of Theatre” art exhibition opening on Friday night. Not a massive crowd, but a great night. I will use the excuse of many things being held the same night in Bundaberg such as Carols by Candlelight. Sounds like a great excuse. I had a few too many wines, and so thoroughly enjoyed myself – but I can enjoy with no wine at all also. Yeah, sure. I drew the short straw for a little speech on the podium.
All thanks go to the dynamic Bronte Morris, the Theatre Co-ordinator, for getting this all together. She is not long in Bundy, and we need people like her. Great stuff, and a pleasure to work with. Thanks also to the great staff at the Moncrieff, who also bent over backwards to make it all happen. Lovely people. The exhibition will be on for all of December, in the foyer. All welcome to have a look and buy some artworks of the group’s work. Thanks to all who came along! Was a fantastic night.