Alas, only five of us there tonight at Life Drawing, apart from Sophia, the model. But it was a very good time nevertheless. Helped along by a nice Merlot that was there (well, it helped me, anyway). As usual, Sophia did a great job with her poses. Always great to draw. Herewith two of my etchings for the night, in my usual naïve, slightly manic style. Oil-pastels & 2B pencil on paper. I have tried charcoal, and normal pastels, but keep coming back to my dear old oily friends. Yes, I know, I didn’t crop out the wire binding on one of them. I like it that way sometimes. More sketchy.

Sophia – 3 minutes duration (well, officially 5 mins, but I was out of the room for 2 minutes to grab a new red oil-pastel!