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“Soleil” copyright Dennis Mealor 2015 – oil pastels & 2B pencil on paper.


This drawing was inspired by a nude photograph sent to me by a friend Soleil Sinclair, in the U.S. (who/m I have never met).

Yes, To crop a long sketch short, she has been sending me some nude photos of herself (on my request) as inspiration for me to draw. I hope to eventually get enough of her photos and do enough drawings to create a collage – a combo of photos, drawings, acrylic paint, and other media. Soleil said she was happy to participate. So it is basically a joint effort – with Soleil in America, and me in the land of Oz. So watch this space please, folks.

After the initial germ of an idea I had many months ago (the ‘Across the Miles” idea – but nothing new of course), I have been procrastinating for ages on it all.  While receiving wonderful photographic nude snapshots of Soleil by email (taken by her very talented partner/artist, I assume), I have been metaphorically  sitting on my backside just contemplating the project. But then, I do things like that: I may procrastinate physically, but in my head it is slowly evolving. I am not Robinson Crusoe there I think. Besides, I have had plenty other “stuff” to do also. Well that is my excuse at least, lame as it might sound. It is not unlike the proverbial ‘I am in between jobs’ excuse for people in creative industries – such as acting. Sorry, actors.

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“Soleil” (Detail)


I need many more photos of Soleil yet, to expand the horizon of it all, and get down to something of her “essence.” Sounds like arts-speak (and it is), but I can’t create in a vacuum. I can’t create when there is vacuuming to be done, either. I call myself a ‘messy-tidy person” – I can live with mess for awhile, but then I go crazy (& can’t paint)if I don’t fix it.

But finally today, I picked up my oil pastels and put some of my scrawls onto paper. Here is the result, inspired by one of Soleil’s photos she sent me – drawn in my typically naïve, sporadic style. I say that with much affection, as I am happy with that style. And I am happy with this first drawing of Soleil. I managed to get a bit of soul in there I feel, which is more important to me than rules; and perfect measurements or proportions. 

With Soleil’s later written permission, I hope to feature some of her photographs on this site, too. My intention is to do a story of the Project in words and pictures, as it unfolds. Let’s see how things go.

This today then, is just a start. A good start, however small. Have never done an “across the miles” thing before. Should be exciting. It is always exciting to me, when I get a ‘high’ from doing a drawing – and that is not all that often. But I got that high today. I need those natural highs. Art (doing or observing) can bring a lot of highs. Thank you Soleil for this privilege. Now, on with the little big project.

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“Soleil” (More Detail)

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“Soleil” (complete Drawing) – copyright Dennis Mealor 2015




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