Well, here I am with my old mate, the Rogers drum kit that was once my own. Now in the proud possession of my youngest son in Brisbane. Had a stay there last weekend, and a short bash on them again.
Yes, I know this site is mainly about visual art, but I am nevertheless, a muso through and through, also. Not sure if it comes from the same place in the brain as painting and the like (I can feel a Google coming on).
Rewind back to 1991 – literally, as this video below was originally VHS – and one of the few drum solos I ever did. I was always more of a rock band-playing drummer. You know, playing drums to songs. And drum solos not really my cup of tea (to do). But here was an exception – as part of a family video that was sent to my dear ol’ Dad in the UK, prior to visiting him later that same year. With hindsight, he must have been a bit bored by the solo – tedious as they often are. Apart from drummers such as Buddy Rich, or John Bonham. But we all like a bit of a go. Comes from early years of Mum yelling at me to stop playing drums with my knife and fork at the dinner table. Pent-up drummer anguish.
I rarely play the drum kit these days, as I specialise more in hand drums – such as congas, dumbek or cajon. Or anything else I can get my hands on. But I still have a small kit of Tama drums. Suits my little unit in Bundaberg. And when I do happen to play at some gig, they are very light, and easy on the back and knees. Important when you are 63.
This is the same kit in 1991, on the film clip. They are the: “Rogers Holiday Kit” – 1960s vintage. Great to play and a beautiful sound. I always preferred a 4-piece kit. I had bigger kits in the past but to me, they make you lazy. Technique is entirely different on a 4-piece kit, compared to rows and rows of drums. It has become an out-dated cliché of late; but I still believe – in most cases – that Less is More. Certainly with drums. Please find this clip on You Tube for more backstory.