

For about 7 years now, I have been passionate about photographing the mature female nude (about ages 40 to 60s plus). I remember when I was in my twenties (& had a girlfriend in her late 30s) – and at the time I bought a book of monochrome nude photographs called “In Praise of Older Women.”
I think the positiveness of the mature nude has stuck in my mind ever since. Over time, I have become cynical about contemporary society’s increasing obsession with youth and so-called “glamour.” That is, beauty based on a particular stereotype ideal of what women (and men) should look like. My photo-art is a conscious (& probably unconscious) effort against this trend.
I also appreciate all shapes and sizes, and so-called “imperfections” and feel they should be seen as having their own beauty per se, and not based on what society dictates.

I genuinely believe that the mature woman can have more to offer than the young – in sensuality and a sense of empowerment that comes only with life experience. To me, this “essence” seems to come through the lens. Things have come full circle, as I am now as old as, or older than some of the women I photograph. But my joy at this genre has not diminished. Photo-shoots are like therapy to me. Both relaxing, and exciting, which sounds like an oxymoron. I am passionate about the art form, but I can’t deny that I also appreciate the therapeutic view of the naked female form. I have included some token male nude studies on this site, because he works cheap.

I am not obsessed with the technically perfect photograph. Hence, I call it photo-art, not photography. My visual impairment does not allow me the luxury of being too technical. For example, I am now unable to manually focus. So automatic focus on modern cameras allows me to still indulge my passion for this medium. In my own head, I divide my photo-art into two categories: “clever” and “snapshot.” A “clever” shot would be the photo “Figurehead,” even though arguably, it may not be all that clever to some viewers. But it is a tad gimmicky, hence the “clever” tag. A snapshot, say, would be the photo “Flame.” I also refer to the snapshot as a “professional amateur” shot. The intent is professional, while the result can be an off-the -cuff amateur feel. To me, it has just as much legitimacy as the clever shot. And my last word on this nude genre, is that I feel the nude says it all. It doesn’t have to be clever, with unusual lighting, or special effects. I refuse to use Photoshop anyway. With some basic composition and good natural lighting, the nude speaks for itself. For some odd (maybe primeval) reason, it can make an otherwise ordinary photo look interesting, and people want to look. A degree of voyeurism perhaps. But also, maybe our appreciation of the nude is in our DNA.

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