More sketches of Jade at today’s untutored Life Drawing session near Buderim. The model was a tad late, and so some of the artists did the honours (fully clothed) for about 15 minutes, taking the podium with some poses. To me, it was a reminder of why we draw naked people. Clothed, was almost nothing to do. A rectangle and a triangle for the dress; or a rectangle for a shirt, with the sleeves tacked on. The situation didn’t look good. But then Jade arrived, so all went well.
My usual naïve efforts herewith, but I wouldn’t put them up if I were not happy with them. And I am happy with them. These are all 2 minute, and 5 minute duration drawings. Except for the top one, which was 15 minutes. Frankly, I prefer most of the shorter posed drawings. Rough and ready, like an unguarded moment. And yes, once again, I must explain in this stark and sterile age of depilation: that is pubic hair. Wonderful.
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