








I have been three weeks away from the life drawing group near Buderim, Australia (Sunshine Coast). This session here was yesterday. I felt that the Muse was not with me at all. Sometimes I find that I do better after a break. But this time, I was not with it, at all. Amazing what a day’s grace can do to your perception, for better or worse. I could see nothing redeemable about any of the morning’s drawings when I got them home. But now, I like them. I always love spontaneity, and these are just that. Well, no choice but for spontaneity I suppose, with 30 seconds, and one minute time limits. You just have to go for it.

Number 1 is my favourite, because it seems to have “weight.” I should have excluded the third image maybe. Not sure what is happening with those breasts. But one minute sketching does some funny things. This Art Blog is a “warts n all” site anyway. I don’t just present what I think are my best finished works. That would be boring. I know there will be some purist, well-trained life drawers out there who will want to smack my bottom at such naïve drawings. But I get that all the time. Life drawing is only a small part of what I do, but I love it. It is like art therapy. To me, Life Drawing is both relaxing and meditative, but paradoxically,  is also a discipline each week.

You might like these drawings, per se. Or you might gain some inspiration from their naivety. “I could do that,” I hear some of you say. I hope so (but I would prefer you to like them).

Footnote: It was refreshing to see a life model who sported some pubic hair. To me, it is so much more arty; and in the case of a female model, more “womanly.”  The World today has become so sterile and bare. But I know it is a personal preference for both models and artists (and this is mine).



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