
(click on image to enlarge in HD)

Amica. She does life modelling at the Sunshine Coast (Q. Australia), which is how I met her for this photo, at my weekly life drawing group. Well, not just one photo.  An afternoon photo-shoot last week.

This was the first female shoot I have done for well over a year, since moving down here to the Sunny Coast, from Bundaberg. Was good to get back into it.


As much as I love it, painting can be intense, and isolating. Life Drawing can also be intense: working to that timer.

But I find “Life Photography” as I call it, the most rewarding and relaxing. Amica was also great to work with. Professional, but easy going at the same time, which makes for even more calm and relaxation for me (but with a strong undercurrent of getting the work done, if that makes sense).

I will be posting more of Amica soon, so please watch this space.

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