
Sails - copyright Dennis Mealor 2013 - 8 x 10 - 1.59MB(3) Sails No. 3 - resized for Website








I like to give the bottom of my Art Blog ‘abyss’ a good stirring-up at times, and bring up some past artworks to the surface. I love these pics. Model, Debra. They were taken in the Artist-In Residence flat at Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery (BRAG), when I was living there for six weeks after Bundaberg’s extreme 2013 flood (the biggest on record). I was 5 months without a permanent residence, until my unit was repaired. Thanks to BRAG, for saving my sanity for those weeks. The good thing is, the flood gave me these pics. Thanks to Debra once again. Please see many more posts of her on this site.

These photos were exhibited in 2014 at the “Just Nudes” exhibition at Dirty Linen Arts Space, Bundaberg – an exciting, left-of-field art gallery owned and operated by  well-known artist Christine Turner. “Sails 2” on the right was bought unframed by an elderly couple. Nice people, and collectors of art from all around the world on their travels.

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