


These drawings were all done last Thursday night at Art Plus, Bundaberg (Australia) – see earlier post on this. I have also included some photos of Sophia doing her stuff at a life drawing class for The Brag Trade last year. In the drawings: again, I seem to like drawing cushions and adding tassels to them! Yes, the cushions were there, but not the tassels :-)

I have included mainly the ‘shorter duration’ drawings of the night – including the one-minute warm-ups. Brings out the primordial I think. I love them, drawing in a passion helped by a few wines beforehand. As usual, the Art Plus (untutored) class starts with one minute poses; then maybe some 5 minutes; then 15 and so on. For what it’s worth, all the pure red sketches were of one minute time limit each. The other two sketches (red & blue oil pastels with pencil) were 10 minutes each.

As I have said before, I tend to go my own (cartoony) way when I draw – and I absolutely crave colours – even if those colours are not there in reality. I am officially colour blind (a bi-product of my visual impairment), but I can see colours – although not as intensely as before. So I love strong, pure colour. Fortunately, I always have – so it is not as though I have changed my style too much since visual impairment came in (about 6 years ago).      PLEASE CLICK ON IMAGES (DRAWINGS & PHOTOS) – TO ENLARGE.

















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