






(please click on image to enlarge)

In about the late 1980s to early 1990s, I went through a phase of ‘scribble’ drawing. Some of that comes out in my sketches today – particularly when I add pencil to oil-pastels (see some of my life drawings on this site). There is a sort of subconscious aspect to it (scribble drawing) – where my  drawing hand is taken over by some unknown ‘presence.’ Not unique to me I am sure. It takes away that stress of wanting to be perfect, and is a good way to break ‘canvas block.’ I must have been doing a lot of lawn mowing at the time. In 1988 I moved into a three-quarter acre block in Avoca, Bundaberg (Australia) with my then wife and two young lads – after my voluntary redundancy fromTelecom Australia (now called Telstra). Not sure why he is smiling. I hated mowing (who doesn’t?).

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