

(please click on images to enlarge)


It has been an exhausting week. Mainly due to the death of my dear Mum last Friday (see an earlier post below). The funeral was Wednesday at 2.30pm. It was a true celebration of her life which unfortunately ended in the abyss of Alzheimer’s. Thanks to my partner – my dear Gaye – I pulled through as well as could be.


One minute time duration – (warm-up)

But to mention the week again – a lot of preparation for the funeral: slide show with background music; a CD of Mum’s favourite songs. All that to get ready, and the usual software breakdowns. The gnashing of teeth until 2 am one night, when songs burnt to disc  repeatedly came out in the wrong order.  Finally, it all came together, and a wonderful funeral day was had by all, I feel. Mum was years in care with her Alzheimer’s, so it was a blessing. She was 89.  She did quite ok. And did us all proud, as a Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

To me, in a sense she died about 3 years ago. The cruellest of diseases in one way; but in another way, is kind to the loved ones. I had done my grieving over a long time, in increments. Now she is free, and I feel her even closer than when she was trapped in her mortal shell in the nursing home. Yes, free at last. Mum has gone Home.

It left me too wrung out to go to my usual Life Drawing at Art Plus in the city last night. But I had a glass of red wine to my Mum, and thought how she probably would have loved to come along with me, and draw. So I grabbed my art bag and a drawing pad, and went. Glad I did. It picked me up no end. Life goes on. The model is Debra – who I often photograph (search her name on this Blog), and a great friend. My usual disclaimer: Life Drawing Purists turn away now. These are MY marks on paper. My Mum would like them I am sure.


















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