It was Villa’s debut at Life Modelling, and she did a great job.
It was also my debut at the Bundaberg Art Society, as I have not long joined. Not sure why I haven’t joined long ago. But maybe one reason, is that their building is in the ex-showgrounds plot, and it is a long way to walk. I am unable to drive these days, due to my vision. But fortunately, I can see enough to draw, or paint. For years, I have frequented the Art Plus Life Drawing sessions, once a fortnight, which is close by, in town. Unfortunately, Art Plus sessions are cancelled until further notice, as the proprietor is away in America, on an art excursion.
I missed the Art Society’s last life drawing session too, as I was in Hervey bay that day. Try again next month, Dennis.
These drawings have hidden in my sketch book for over a month. I thought nothing of them when I got them home. But amazing what a few weeks can do. At a second look, I like them. Spontaneous and uncontrived, in the main. That’s how I like my art usually. These drawings are all 10 minutes’ time limit, except the seated one, in the chair (pensive look), which is a 20 minute one. Please click on images to enlarge. Some iPads & Tablets may rotate images. All images are correct at my end.