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As I said in a previous post, I seem to see examples of strata everywhere. Strata can be both a representation of a position in a space; as well as an indicator of the passing of time. The first images here are from my painting “Stratification.”

I was hooked on this concept (of layers or strata), when I saw an indigenous linocut at the Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) some years ago. The work, from a Northern Australian tribe, showed a cross-section of ground, and its many layers in profile. One section contained skulls – a representation of tribal ancestry.


DSC09068a autoThe work was upstairs in Gallery 2 at BRAG, and on each of my volunteering days there, I would go upstairs to have another look at it. Since then, I have been fascinated by the concept of strata.

“Nude Strata” followed on from “Stratification.”

“Nude Strata” (below) was my attempt to put the topic of nudity and taboo parts of the human body in a ‘landscape’ of strata. To me, the repetition of genitals and other body parts served to ‘normalise’ them – like repeating the word ‘penis’ over and over until it loses its usual societal “shock.” There is also hopefully, a slight comical element to the work – in my usual cartoonish style.


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I won’t harp on anymore, and leave you to the rest of my Strata images – paintings and photo-art.

Please click on each image to emlarge

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Totem TreadDSC07818a auto & crop










(18) The Boat








DSC08334Hearth-Head - Dennis Mealor - Photograph-2005 - 10x8








DSC01713Karen & painting - Ph Shop








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1. DSC06998a crop, auto(14) Apron Stratification


















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