Herewith the flyer for the Event. I am mentioned in there somewhere, in the pub band Gunn at the time: 1974. I did lead vocal and congas. Don’t think I had taken up flute at that stage – but will feature flute at the “42 years After” gig.
Included also here: a shoddy, blur-oscope photo of me (maybe age 22) in Gunn. Love the calypso paint job on the congas. Can’t believe the number of microphones we had way back then – Sennheiser mics these were, I think. And oh yes, the sound guy was known as Fatmac. Great times. This pic was at Maryborough City Hall – the worst acoustics in the World, especially for amplified music. It was cacophony, no matter what you played. But we didn’t care. Or didn’t know the difference.
I have also reposted a You Tube film clip of a later band I was in – called Chase (1982): Dennis Mealor (vocal, flute); Percy Henry (rhythm git); Bob Leslie (bass git); Peter Cook (lead git); Barry Dennien (drums – air?). CLICK ON POSTER TO ENLARGE.