

THIS IS THE FIRST of a new segment to be featured on this Art Blog: of guest artists/photographers & models.

I have posted photographs of Soleil before, all taken by Dragon Sundancer, but only as an adjunct to drawings of my own. This time, it is exclusively the Guest Artist and Model’s space.

I will also be featuring some of Dragon’s paintings in the near future, so please keep an eye out.

Dragon and Soleil live in Arizona USA, on a property called 42 Spirits Community, which they both established recently. More on that in another later article.

Please search “Soleil” on this site if you will, for more.



BTW: Please contact me by clicking on “Contact” at the top of the page, if you are interested in being considered for exhibiting on my Art Blog (Artists & Models alike). My Art Blog is a labour of love – I make no money from it, nor want to. But it receives about 1,000 to 2,000 page views per day (tallied from 10am each day). The tally has been over 300,000 page views in the last 6 months).

If you are interested in appearing as a model on this Blog  and are  in the Sunshine Coast area, Qld, Australia), or passing through, by all means get in touch. As with the photo  here (and other nudes on this site), you can “leave you hat on” and remain anonymous if you wish. All shapes and sizes welcome, and preferably of a mature age.   So if you have never tried it before (“Life Photography” modelling), maybe give it a go, as I did with life modelling a few years back. Was a great experience (search “Art Bungee Jumping” on this site). Or, just do it across the miles,  as Soleil has done. Distance is no  real barrier these days. Cheers, Dennis.

click on image to enlarge


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