I am about to have a solo art exhibition “Dennis Mealor – A Retrospective” – at Moncrieff Entertainment Centre, Bundaberg. Looking forward to showing my “bits” (of archives). But the space is a family, utilitarian spot – so no nudes. Understandable but as the great philosopher Wayne once said: “Denied!”
The Moncrieff is a terrific place to exhibit though – and great thanks go to the dear Bronte for making it all happen there. She is an art mover and shaker indeed!
To partially make up for it (i.e.no nudes), am featuring Debra here from an earlier post.It was a great day at Mon Repos beach – the same beach that the famous Bundaberg aviator Bert Hinkler first flew his experimental ‘planes. Not sure how he might have reacted if he saw this scene, from above. Might have changed history :). I love this shot – had trouble seeing in the screen in the bright sunlight – and my damaged eyes are unable to see through the viewfinder these days. However, I persevered, and it came out thus. Love the contrast of lovely white skin against the black abyss-like rock pool. Pamela, one of the Brag Trade members, saw this shot some time ago, and commented that Debra’s previously waxed pubic hair (growing back) resembles a delicate fern coral. Very appropriate I thought.
This shot was exhibited in the Brag Trade’s “Just Nudes” exhibition at Dirty Linen Art Space in 2014. Another pic in my “In Praise of the Mature Nude” series.