(click on images to enlarge in HD)
At THE MOMENT I am enjoying tutoring a U3A course. For those who don’t know, U3A stands for “University of the 3rd Age” – a world-wide organisation that provides the teaching of new skills to Elders. I use that term “Elders” because I dislike some of the other terms such as Seniors, or older people. The word “Elder” stands for dignity, wisdom, and strength. But more on that later. I want to do an article on that very topic on this Blog. Watch this space. Even if you are not an elder. If not, you will become an elder eventually by default. If you are lucky enough to make it as one of the chosen few.
But back to U3A. My course (near Buderim, Q. Australia) is called “Painting for Therapy & Well-being.” U3A tutors do it voluntarily. It is a labour of love. But the love comes back in spades. I took it up for myself. If the U3A “students” get something out of it, that is a bonus. They seem to be enjoying the course so far. And I have been very impressed by their artistic results. What a great reward (for me, that is).
So the task for the class was to paint an expressionistic self-portrait. This is my own result. I was amazed by what the students did. Maybe they will give me permission to put them on this Blog soon. I will look into that. I was over the moon with each of their paintings.
Some of the rules/guidelines of doing the self portrait were: 1. Had to be Non-realistic. 2. Could be childlike. 3. Had to try to show the “inner self” – personality, emotion within, etc.
Then comes the analysis of the painting: For the class to all have a go at comment, and try to read the subtext of each painting – as well as their own work. I won’t say anything on my painting here. Will leave it to you all (but please be kind). Thanks.